Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Cosmic Joke!

Are you getting the cosmic joke yet? That life is more like a comedy and is really quite funny. Nothing lasts for very long and everything is temporary. What is up one day is down the next. What is all the rage today will be sold in the garage sale of tomorrow.

The supermodel that graces the front pages of Vanity Fair will eventually get hungry and begin eating again. After that she will get a face lift to try and recapture her beauty and then we will see her on a rerun of "where are they now".

Nothing is really all that serious when you understand the truth about existence. Some people spend their whole life scraping and clawing their way to the top of the heap, and then they die. This is the joke that the ego plays upon itself over and over never seeming to get it.

When you know the truth you can settle in and just enjoy each moment for whatever it brings. Life is not a competition but simply a walk in the garden of earth to taste of its fruit and experience the variety of experiences that are here.

This is the ride of your life and there is so much to experience. Take time to laugh and have some fun along the way. Happy people make the planet more enjoyable and peaceful too!

Now that you get the cosmic joke, share a smile with somebody. . :> )

In joy,


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