Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Power of Truth

Jesus said, “We would know the truth and the truth would make us free.” From this statement we understand that whatever else truth is it is really about FREEDOM. Jesus made the statement “I am the truth” so therefore truth is not the telling of words but the demonstration of truth through ones actions and lifestyle.

In other words he was saying we must BE the truth rather than argue intellectually about who is doctrinally right and who is wrong ABOUT the truth. True belief is more about an ongoing encounter with the Divine and then naturally living out from that experience. It is as natural as a child expressing joy and loving kindness through a close relationship with his or her parents.

So we conclude that truth is BEING rather than simply speaking about truth and if you are intimately acquainted with the truth then you are being made free. This is different than religious dogma that is mere mental concepts that have no freeing power to them. Truth is demonstration and action. Freedom is the result of truth that is experiential rather than mental assent. Truth is powerful.

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