“Be in the world system but be not of it”
We all have developed certain ideas about survival and money, how it works and how we think it ought to work. Most of us want to do well financially and be comfortable. Unfortunately at an early age many of us were taught some very fearful thoughts, ideas and beliefs about what money is and how hard it is to accumulate. As adults we end up with a love/hate relationship with the money system that is built on beliefs that many times are rooted in FEAR. For example, the stock market is presently going through an adjustment period as it has many times in the past. Much of the stock market is based upon projections and preconceptions and is driven by mental and emotional guesswork more than anything else. The market can be very volatile with lots of ups and downs because of fearfulness and anxiety. In most peoples minds the entire system of money is not ever really understood and so stress and worry abound. Many people constantly look at their check book from a lack and scarcity mentality. Fear also brings with it guilt and shame which lead to mental anguish and emotional suffering.
Fear is like a contagious disease and I got it very early on. I was bombarded by the fear filled attitudes of others, "GET ALL YOU CAN, CAN ALL YOU GET & THEN SIT ON THE CAN." It was an idea that there was never enough to go around and so I better hang on to whatever I had. I had a lot of emotional drama and attachments about money. I thought it was not spiritual and that material things were bad. I was unknowingly judging my own blessing and became my own worst enemy. Fear is like a 100 pound weight that never let me rest and so I wrestled with the concept of money for many years until I stopped struggling and surrendered to the Divine Source of my good!
There is a neutral, resting, balance point that is beyond the system of money. I am talking about an absolute surrender of your beliefs, attitudes, ideas, and attachments concerning the idea of money. It is a calm spot in the midst of chaos and confusion and is a MISSING KEY to making peace with the money system.
Thoughts are THINGS and they can block your good! These fearful ideas can become counter intentions to what you really desire and need in your life. They become subconscious beliefs that can control your experience. Once you buy into a particular belief then it gets set on autopilot. When we try and change these beliefs it becomes very difficult because we are fighting ourselves. We get stuck on the merry-go-round of repetitious patterns and Even our affirmations and prayers do not work as well because of these hidden beliefs.
Einstein said, "The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them."
A fear filled mind cannot heal itself through the use of fear and force. You cannot make yourself change until you release the root of ALL negative beliefs....which is fear! Our inner well is poisoned with fear and can only feed it to us until we change it at the very source.
What is needed is a fresh start, a new perspective and a new way to look at money. How would you like to start from ground zero and wipe the slate clean? Yes, you really CAN have a do over! Where does the green energy of money come from? It comes from the Divine Source, the Infinite Intelligence. It is the universal reservoir that feeds us all. It is the eternal well that constantly pours spiritual energy into our lives.
After you surrender your fears about money then you can use your mind in a more enhanced way. You can dream, visualize and create from a NEW place, a new source. But you really can't even go there until you let go of the fears.
So, how do you release it? By your willingness to surrender it all!
What does surrender entail?
· Surrender is neutrality.
· It is a sense of letting go and releasing.
· It is an inner feeling of divine humility and oneness
at the center of your being.
· It is the act of laying down unconscious or hidden beliefs
that unknowingly manifest through the feeling nature.
· Surrender will create a stronger connection with the Divine
· It is plugging directly in to the source.
· It is the calming spot of peace within.
Once your feeling nature is in a state of rest and peace you can begin to go for your goals, dreams and desires with more focus and clarity. But, you will need to keep that sense of oneness at all times. When you lose that awareness you are inviting fear back in. It then becomes a practice for you. Surrendered meditation will bring you to this state and it will also keep you there.
Here is a prayer to get you started.
Dear God,
I relax my mind and body and I get quiet within. I now choose to surrender my inner state of being into Divine and loving hands. I release my grip on the external world of form and money. I release the money system to be as it is without my labeling or judging it. I look now into my heart to notice the calm contentment that is already there. I move my awareness to this free and neutral state of being. In this surrendered place I choose to live and be free from unhealthy attachments to money. I let go of fear…Today is now fresh and new and I can begin again. I choose now to create an abundant flow of prosperity into my life. God is my source and I am at peace.
Thank you God!
Be well,
Rev James
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