Now, if you take a couple deep breaths and relax your mind and body you may notice that there is a calm spot in the midst of you. If you let go of all thought for just a brief moment you will find there is something other than the thinking mind inside you. It is the essence of your being and it is the sense of aliveness itself. You are alive and you exist. (If you are reading this you can't deny that)
Whatever you think you are, you exist right here and right now. There are many activities that we can involve ourselves with while we are in existence.
Would you say breathing is a positive thing? Do you enjoy eating? Do you laugh at funny jokes? Do you like it when people around you are friendly to you? Have you ever watched a sunrise or sunset and been awe inspired? What am I getting at? All these things are positive and reveal a kind of goodness that expresses itself in the human being as an ability to choose a positive experience. Most people would rather experience pleasure over pain, obviously. In fact we go to great lengths to run from pain and avoid discomfort. Unless you have sadistic tendencies (which are not natural) you are most likely an individual that enjoys a life of goodness, good things and good people! Do you really prefer to have negative experiences, hurtful things and negative people around you?
I believe we can literally create our own hell or our own heaven right now, here on earth by what we choose to think, experience, feel and believe. I have also come to the conclusion that there is a positive and loving intelligence that is at the base of all life. This energy is not a gray haired man in the sky somewhere with a long white beard that looks like Charlton Heston, but is an all encompassing spiritual presence that expresses through all living things as existence itself.
I like to refer to this force as the All Good! In fact I look for it in everyone and in everything, everywhere I go. I constantly see glimpses of it in smiling babies, friendly people and quacking ducks that live in our lake. It is what shines through the sunlight during the day and is the very air I breathe. It is the the sweet juice in watermelon and oranges. It is the very ground we walk upon each day that supports us and holds us up. It is also the gravity that keeps me from flying off the planet.
The All Good is with you and me right now. Take a breath and discover it for yourself as the silent witness to all of life. Don't take my word for it. Experience it for yourself.
Why not?
You may say, "James what about evil and negativity that go on in the world, should we deny it?" No, but we should understand that what we define as negative is not the whole picture but only a piece or a part of life. Life is positive even though it contains what we define as negative elements in it. For instance, if you decide you want to bake a cake then you will need some sweet substances and some bitter substances. When you mix them all together you will have good tasting cake if you do it right. Without the bitter elements it would not be cake. All ingredients are needed in order to have a cake that is worth eating. In my reality cake is a good thing (when eaten in moderation)!
Life overall is positive when we understand the mechanics of it. By learning the proper mix of all the ingredients I believe we can have a good life that is worth living. It is the proper blending and processing of our experiences that can give us great wisdom and understanding. This is what creates a more exciting and fulfilling experience of life. The All Good is the spirit of life that keeps your heart pumping and the body activated. It is the Divine Mind that takes care of the big things, like making sure the Universe functions properly. It also feeds the birds and waters the plants according to its own plan which is working really well and keeps everything in balance! You and I have access to this greater intelligence through our desires, prayers and how we choose to perceive it. We are all generously given the gift of life to learn, grow and to fully experience it all. Even the so called negative parts have a purpose when seen from the All Good perspective...
Enjoy your slice...
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