Sunday, July 26, 2009


Hello everyone and welcome to my blog. I am happy to be able to share some of my thoughts with you through this medium. There is never enough time on a Sunday morning to talk about everything I would like to discuss so blogging is another way to share some more inspiration, opinions, and some information that you may enjoy.

Our spiritual community is a great place to find a loving environment to connect with like minded people who want a deeper, open minded and more relevant discussion about the spiritual life. I feel we are living at a time where lots of people have tried just about everything to find happiness and meaning in their lives. Because of this many folks are now ready for something that really works and is truly transformative.

The Unity teachings though simple, have the capacity to do just that. Unity is based on universal principles that are positive, practical and challenge us to discover our true nature. Because we start from the goodness of God and the good that already exists in people we make a quantam leap away from the guilt and shame that are espoused by some belief systems.

At the same time we respect the beliefs that others have while refusing to argue over our differences. I have learned to just let people be unless they are ready to look within and consider something more. If they don't ask with an open heart then trying to persuade them of your truth is unproductive. I would much rather spend my time focusing on the people who have that inner desire for Divine awareness and really want to grow.

2 great qualities that are are necessary are curiousity and humility. We must be curious enough to ask the questions and then have the humility to look at a variety of possible solutions and even then to simply be okay with not knowing. True knowledge comes to people who don't already have it figured out in their heads. If your head is already full of ideas it will be harder to catch the spirit of truth.

Jesus said, "when the spirit of truth comes it will guide you into all truth." Truth is a spiritual energy that is awakened within you when you are ready for it. You might ask, "how will I know when this happens?" When you are curious enough and quiet enough to go beyond your own mental preconceptions then you can finally hear the inner voice of spirit speaking up inside you.

You become familiar with it over time and sometimes through a little trial and error. Once you catch it then the true nature of reality begins to unfold and you have a front row seat. That is when you are truly enrolled in spiritual awakening 101 class. Everything in your life becomes a spiritual lesson and a pointer to the truth. In fact, God is suddenly everywhere and everything contains meaning. This leads to an ever evolving inner navigating system that seems to know exactly what you need when you need it.

As you learn to trust your inner guidance system then it gets really interesting.

Your picture of life becomes more holistic and more expanded and you now know and realize that there are NO accidents and you cannot miss what you really need to experience. It just shows up as "what is" and urges you to get the message that it holds for you!
More later...